Monday, 16 January 2017

Devonport Guildhall or Paris, New York, Washington, Vienna, Geneva ... ?

Where was I? Paris, New York, Washington, Vienna, Geneva .... the sheer blitz of colour from the wonderful art exhibition entitled: Persona Perspective by Plymouth artist Rosie Cunningham, was a treat to behold. A veritable palette of colours swept before our eyes. If you knew nothing about abstract art before entering the gallery, then the delight of the colour ensemble was enough to give you a feel of immense well being.

The day after a well attended launch evening, we held a creative writing workshop on the theme of Ekphrasis - or how to write about art from art. That too was well attended with some faces from the past in among several of the new. A few of the writer's from Plymouth Proprietary Library who were so loyal to me in my battle against the more sinister forces which try to control Plymouth, came unexpectedly to the fore. It was a pleasure to see you all.

If you feel you need an injection of colour in the midst of a dull January, take a step into Devonport Guildhall. You won't be disappointed. Devonport really is doing very well indeed.